Hi to everybody
We are glad and proud to annouce that Clive Baker's Jericho demo is finally out.
The file size is a little bigger that 1 GB.
We downloaded it and we can really state that it is very very impressive.
So please go to the link posted below and start downloading the demo.
Then enjoy with it.
Here at Undying Italia we are waitin' for your impressions and comments in our forum section.
Have a nice time with the demo.
Ciao a tutti
è passato qualche mese quando il sito de I Figli di Gaucci Productions creatori della patch di traduzione di Undying è andato down.
Siccome non c'è alcuno modo per reperire la suddetta patch, per lo meno fino a ripertura del sito dei Gaucci, noi dell'Undying Italia abbiamo pensato di renderla disponibile anche su questo sito.
Quindi potete recarvi nella sezione download e procedere allo scaricamento.
Oppure potete cliccare direttamente sul link sottostante:
Ricordiamo che la patch di traduzione ad opera de I Figli di Gaucci Productions traduce interamente il gioco: dialoghi, scene animate, menu, grafica e molto altro.
Buon divertimento
Hi to you all. My friend and colleague Burt discovered a great wallpaper related to Undying. You can find it in the gallery in the "Undying Related Section" or simply by clicking on this link :
Write down this address in your pocket browser and be sure to visit us time-to-time. Please note that this version works best with IEPlus, MultiIE or some other PocketPC Browser's expansion.
Hi to everybody in this community
i'm very glad and proud to annouce you that today I renewed hostind and website contract with our hoster.
It's very impressive how this community grewed up during only few months and how many interesting and cool ideas came out.
That is very important is that all this is came out about a game considered as "dead" by many peolple, also by the softwarehouse who produced it.
This fact proves that, sometimes, is not the first commercial success that decides how much a game is cool and innovative or not.
I want to thank all the people and supporters that contributed to grow up this community and to make it awesome, active and interesting as it 's today.
A my own project, this community, is now property of everyone.
I want really to thank my great briend Burt; without his help, his genius, his great skill and patience this community could'nt be as it is now.
He enriched it with his magic genius and great knwolodge in Undying and informatic matters.
Wlle... now with another hosting year we can continue to discuss and to create about our favourite game.
C u soon Guys