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Downloads->Original Undying Mods->Undx10 [ Search ]

Name Undx10
Mod created by AmranX .
Sent by Doppiapunta
Size 2228.92 Kb
Votes Votes: 4 - Average: 4.33

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19 Aug 2014
Thank you for this awesome mod!! I had so much fun playing it - its flow reminded me of a real undying level. LOVED IT. Will enjoy playing this one again Smile
04 Apr 2010
some screenshots: http://www.jonhunt.com/undying2/maps/undx10/
04 Apr 2010
Десяток карт, каждую из которых можно пройти за 5-10 минут, есть сюжет и финальный босс. Если хочется без особых проблем пробежаться по игре и освежить старые добрые воспоминания, это хороший выбор.
Dozens of maps, each can be completed in 5-10 minutes, have a story and the final boss. If you want without much trouble to run through the game and to refresh old good memories, this is a good choice.
10 Mar 2010
Duke Nume
07 Dec 2008
Good mod but need more detail!
10 Nov 2008
что за тупняк загружать (присылать) карты без простейшего описания?

wtf need upload (send) maps without even simple description?

There are 68 files on the Database
Most Downloaded: Texture Updater, 128x128 sized version
Most Viewed: Texture Updater, 128x128 sized version
Most Rated: Texture Updater, 128x128 sized version

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