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Downloads->Undying Map Editing Stuff [ Search ]

Undying Map Editing Stuff
Name Votes Downloads Views Entry Date
UndEd OCX Components 1 413 2568 20 Jan 2006
burt's Scripts v1.0 2 369 2417 09 Sep 2005
HUDFix package 4 337 1907 26 Mar 2005
Some new and useful scripts 2 347 2340 07 Feb 2005
LivingDead tutorial 3 424 2632 27 Jan 2005
Journal Editor 2 521 2400 23 Jan 2005
Undying Actors - Description 12 469 2393 23 Jan 2005
Particles Tutorial 3 406 2056 23 Jan 2005
VarTex - Texture Variator 1 470 2545 23 Jan 2005
Terrain Editor 4 491 2292 23 Jan 2005
T3D Tool for 3dsMax 3 799 3247 23 Jan 2005
UndEd2 - Undying Editor 2 2 1096 3887 23 Jan 2005
UndEd - Undying Editor 1 3 1002 4338 23 Jan 2005
BurtEditor package 1 528 2932 19 Jan 2005

There are 68 files on the Database
Most Downloaded: Texture Updater, 128x128 sized version
Most Viewed: Texture Updater, 128x128 sized version
Most Rated: Texture Updater, 128x128 sized version

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modified by burt © 2005 - All Rights Reserved
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